Saturday, February 15, 2020

Design patterns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design patterns - Research Paper Example The observer design pattern highlights a one-to-many reliance between a subject object and any amount of server objects. This is significant when the subject object alters situation, all its observer objects will not be updated and notified instinctively (Butler, 2012). The observer design pattern is also used when the subject object is not aware of the number of observer objects present. Finally, it is used if the subject object is required to inform its observer objects without being aware of the nature of the objects. Advantages First, the observer pattern is a terrific way of maintaining action based applications in significant architectures. In a given application, an individual may have a large number of events taking place at the same time in a browser session. Second, a person may reduce event attachment and enable the observable object to deal with the actions on your behalf using a sole event listener and pass on the information to different subscribers, thus lessening spee ding up connection and memory performance. Third, the dynamic link between observer and subject may be instituted at run time. This provides extra programming flexibility. Fourth, there is support for broad communication. The notice is transmitted involuntarily to the interested objects that may subscribe to it (Madsen, 2012). Disadvantages One, there is a lot of cost incurred in load time when installing the observable objects. Two, there are unanticipated updates. Observers are not aware of one another and are oblivious to the cost of alteration in subject. Three, the update dependence may be difficult to discover due to the dynamic association between observers and subject (Madsen, 2012). Creational Pattern: Prototype Creational design patterns refer to design patterns that handle object creation mechanisms, attempting to develop objects in a way fitting to the situation. The prototype design pattern identifies the form of object to develop utilizing a prototypical instance, and develops novel objects through cloning the prototype. The prototype design pattern is used to elude the intrinsic cost of developing a novel object in the conventional way when it is prohibitively costly for a specified application (Chandler & Munday, 2012). In addition, the prototype design pattern is utilized to avert subclasses of an object designer in the application of the client, in the same way as the abstract factory pattern. Advantages One, the prototype design pattern establishes a profound copy of the complicated hierarchy of objects. The prototype design pattern assists in lessening the work given all objects in the composition can enforce ICloneable interface. This is an essential design pattern in copying objects, for example, trees. Two, the design pattern causes a decreased load of initialization. All novel objects developed using the clone technique highlights the precise object form of the initial object (Proctor, 2011). The need of initialization may be tremendous ly lessened by utilizing the prototype design pattern. It allows an individual to develop a clone of the original object developed in the application to readily have the objects initialized to the default or non-default state. Three, the design pattern causes a simplified process of copying objects. Since copying the object is conducted recursively by calling the clone tech

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Assignment Example Globalization and Agreement or Disagreement on the Issues Wright’s argument was that globalization is a force that has ultimately contributed to why the 9/11 attacks occurred. Wright is saying that if there were more financial equality in the Middle East, then perhaps there would not be rioting and all kinds of dissent among people in the Arab world regarding savage inequalities. These inequalities are problems like poverty and high populations, and not enough resources. Perhaps one of the greatest issues, however, that concerns the Middle East is how poverty has affected the people. People in these regions feel very upset that they are being ignored. Take, for example, the current situation in Syria. These people, hundreds of thousands of them, have been left to die at the hands of Bashar Assad. The president of Syria thinks that just because he can kill people, he should kill people. He hedged a bet that no one would stop him, and he was right. He is figuring on being able t o kill a lot of defenseless, innocent people just because he can. ... America’s â€Å"Grander Mission† and Its â€Å"Deep and Subtle Moral Challenge† What is America’s â€Å"grander mission†? It seems that America’s grander mission would be to help those less fortunate than itself. However, that is not always the case, sadly. While in the U.S. we attempt to give aid to those who most need it, unfortunately what the case is is that we are drowning in a budget deficit that threatens to send us off the edge of a fiscal cliff. While America’s greater or grander mission is to help those who are less fortunate, we must also realize our deep and subtle moral challenges. Those moral challenges include: taking the moral high ground; having interest in situations where they do not necessarily benefit us financially but are still situations in which people need help; and not benefiting from the suffering of others. One of America’s biggest issues is that its leaders only do things that are for their own bene fit or America’s benefit. For example, one of the key reasons America does not have a vested interest in helping the Syrians is because they have no oil. They have no resources to offer the U.S. in return for what the Americans would do for them. And, unfortunately, that kind of reciprocity is exactly why the U.S. got involved in Libya and Iraq—because the oilfields there would have jeopardized the oil deliveries to the U.S. and other countries. The key word here is the United States. Anything affecting the United States directly are what we consider our best interests. Unfortunately, that is a selfish policy that our leaders execute while forgetting about people who are suffering elsewhere that have just as valid plights from which they